Piracy incidents on the rise in Asia
A Tradewinds article reports that official figures provided by Singapore-based Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia (ReCAAP) show a significant increase in incidents in January.
This further enhances the trend of increased piracy activity in the Asian region seen last year.
It is believed the increased activity comes as a result of economic hardship, which is expected to further exacerbate in the wake of the global pandemic.
January saw as many as seven incidents reported, three out of which were carried out against ships underway in the Singapore Strait.
As for the remaining four incidents, three were on board ships at anchorages in Indonesia and India, and the fourth while a ship was alongside in the Philippines.
No crew has been harmed in any of the January incidents, and no weapons have been used. Nevertheless, ReCAAP is concerned with the increase of incidents, particularly the Singapore Strait, and has urged for increased co-operation in the region to deter piracy and armed robbery.
It is recommended that vessel operators review the attached guidance published by ReCAAP and a joint industry group to advise vessels operating in Asian waters about security measures. Further information and guidance to be found on ReCAAP’s website.
Reference Documents:
Regional Guide to Counter Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia.pdf