MSS Case June: Grounding when not using bridge equipment efficiently
The vessel had picked up the pilot and was approaching the fairway to the port. It was a morning with clear skies and light winds. The Master had given the pilot a pilot card, but they had not carried out a pilot briefing.
The OOW was monitoring the vessel’s position on the radar and the ECDIS and was also filling out the logbook. Suddenly the vessel vibrated heavily, and the speed fell rapidly until the vessel completely stopped. The Master realised that the vessel had run aground.
What should the bridge team have done to prevent this accident? Read more in the latest Monthly Safety Scenario below.
Download the MSS case for June here»
For more Loss Prevention information, please contact:
Joakim Enström, Loss Prevention Officer
E-mail: joakim.enstrom@swedishclub.com
Each month the Club’s Loss Prevention team issues a new safety scenario to assist members in their efforts to comply with international safety regulations and to follow best practice.
When discussing the case please consider that the actions taken at the time made sense for all involved. Do not only judge, but also ask why you think these actions were taken and could this happen on your vessel?