MSS Case May: Oil spill while bunkering
The vessel was starboard side alongside and carrying out a cargo operation. The Chief Engineer had ordered a fuel barge to bunker 350 MT of fuel oil. The fuel barge came alongside on the port side in the morning. A hose was connected from the barge to the portside bunker station.
A superintendent from the bunker supplier also came onboard to monitor the bunkering and had a briefing with the Chief Engineer. The Chief motorman was on the portside bunker station. The 3rd Engineer was on deck taking manual soundings of the fuel tanks with a sounding tape. The Chief Engineer was in the ECR (engine control room) and the 4th Engineer was in the engine room.
The bunkering started at 08.30 with an initial pressure of 2.9 kg/cm2 and the 4th Engineer opened the valves to 100% for 2S and 50% for 2P.”
Read more about what happens in the next minutes in the latest Monthly Safety Scenario.
For more Loss Prevention information, please contact:
Joakim Enström, Loss Prevention Officer
Each month the Club’s Loss Prevention team issues a new safety scenario to assist members in their efforts to comply with international safety regulations and to follow best practice.
When discussing the case please consider that the actions taken at the time made sense for all involved. Do not only judge, but also ask why you think these actions were taken and could this happen on your vessel?