Monthly Web News May 2016
In May 2016 we reported the following:
17 May – Due to the difficult times in shipping, we are experiencing more vessels being taken out of operation for lay-up. You can also find a guide on the factors to consider before making the decision on whether to lay-up a vessel in the latest Triton magazine.
Iran trading – notification requirement
17 May – Members are referred to the Club’s Member Alert of 18 January 2016 regarding EU and US sanctions against Iran, and their potential impact on insurance cover. In particular, the fact that US maintains its Primary Sanctions may result in that US reinsurers on the Club’s reinsurance programme for Marine risks may be unable to meet their obligations and pay a claim with an Iranian nexus.
New IG/CINS Guidelines for the Carriage of Calcium Hypochlorite in Containers
10 May – The International Group of P&I Clubs (IG Clubs) and the shipping line members of the Cargo Incident Notification System (CINS) have collaborated to produce a new set of guidelines for the carriage of Calcium Hypochlorite in containers.
Draft charterparty clause promoting the use of the Inter-Club New York Produce Exchange Agreement 1996
4 May – Draft charterparty clause promoting the use of the Inter-Club New York Produce Exchange Agreement 1996 (as amended September 2011).
Member Alerts
MAN Diesel product warning: TSP accumulators
26 May – MAN Diesel & Turbo has issued two product safety warning letters regarding identification of faulty parts and instructions on replacement.
Guidelines – Mandatory container weight verification implementation
25 May – Due to the IMO requirement of container weight verification, that enters into force 1 July, 2016, we have compiled guidelines from various countries.
International Group of P&I Clubs pre-employment medical examinations (PEME) programs, Guidance for Clubs
13 May – Our PEME program has now been in place and available to our members since January 2011 for the mutual interests of seafarers and ship owners by means of preventative actions, guidance and advice.
Syria Sanctions
13 May – Both the European Union and the United States continue to apply trade sanctions against the Government of Syria and a number of designated Syrian persons and entities. This circular provides a general overview of key sanctions that apply to Syria shipping and related insurance activities and also describes the potential impact of certain recent developments.
OW Bunkers – UK Supreme Court decides preliminary issue against owners
13 May – On Wednesday 11 May the UK Supreme Court finally settled a point of law of great importance to the shipping community.
Coal Cargoes – some recent developments
10 May – Indonesia continues to be amongst the world’s major exporters of coal, some 426Mt being traded in 2013 mostly to India and China. The potential problems associated with coals from Indonesia are now well known to the shipping community and typically stem from a propensity of the material to self-heat, leading potentially to “spontaneous combustion”.
Club News
Summons Annual General Meeting 2016
26 May – The summons will be mailed to members of the Club and can also be found on the webpage.
Return to basics to tackle cyber crime
23 May – What are the issues to highlight when it comes to cyber security risks in shipping? You might be surprised. We interviewed Angus Frew, Secretary General of BIMCO in the wake of the latest industry report.
Shipping Podcast – Piracy and negotiations
20 May – What happens behind the scene when the crew of a ship are taken hostage? Marine kidnap for ransom and hijacking are significant and real threats to ship owners’ vessels and those who serve on them around the world.
Facing the challenges of Fuel switch-cover
18 May – “During 2015, The Swedish Club saw an increased number of cases where the fuel system was damaged.”
The pitfalls of an unclear law and jurisdiction clause
16 May – An unclear Charter party will inevitably muddy the waters of any dispute under it. One important thing to consider is what law and jurisdiction the parties intend to apply.
The Swedish Club Annual Report 2015 is now available
13 May – The Club reports a stable-to-increasing volumes in the marine sector and a continued diversification and focus on quality.
P&I Claims Analysis – the latest report from the Club
12 May – The latest report from The Swedish Club, P&I Claims Analysis, shows that a seafarer’s choice of vessel has a large influence on the hazards and job complexities he will face.
Shipping Podcast – Tanker business talk
11 May – Kathleen C. Haines, the Chief Financial Officer, CFO, and Treasurer of Heidmar Inc., talks about the tanker business; the shipping segment where you find the big boys.
Crossing the Argentine customs minefield
11 May – Last December Argentina saw a major shift in government when the party which had been in office since 2003 left power. We look at the actions of the new government over the last months and review the current situation when visiting Argentine ports.
Upcoming MRM Events in Northern Europe
4 May – The time and dates for the upcoming MRM events in Gothenburg, Sweden and in Turku, Finland can be found on the website.
Arbitration award overturned in speed & consumption case
2 May – While speed and consumption claims continue to be a regular feature of the difficult dry bulk market conditions, reported cases remain relatively uncommon. However, a recent decision saw the English Commercial Court overturn an arbitration award on a rare appeal of such a dispute.
Out and About
Rowing event in anticipation of this year’s Posidonia Exhibition in Piraeus
30 May – The rowing event which was organised in anticipation of this year’s Posidonia Exhibition and took place last Thursday 26 May, was concluded with The Swedish Club team coming in 5th out of 12 teams.
Marine Insurance Course – A guide through the marine insurance maze
19 May – Delegates from all areas of the marine insurance industry met to learn more about key aspects of marine insurance, looking in detail at both the practical and legal aspects of the profession.
Reinsurance Day 2016
18 May – The Swedish Club reinsurance team kicked off our annual Reinsurance Day event with an informal dinner at the restaurant “SandbergMånsson” in Göteborg. During the course of a very pleasant evening, Lars Nilsson, Senior Manager Reinsurance, took the opportunity of thanking Terry McSweeney of Aon Benfield for the many years of excellent cooperation upon his upcoming retirement.
Popular seminars in Hamburg and Bremen
10 May – In total, almost 200 members of the German shipping community made the most of the opportunity to network, and to build upon their relationships with The Swedish Club and its team of underwriters, claims handlers and managers.
Member Alert is published by The Swedish Club as a service to members. While the information is believed correct, the Club cannot assume responsibility for completeness or accuracy.