The Swedish Club welcomed the New Year today when it formally greeted its incoming Managing Director, Thomas Nordberg, on the first day in his new role.
Thomas has spent the last four months behind the scenes with the Club and is now more than ready to hit the ground running:
“I am delighted to have been given the opportunity to take the helm at this unique organisation,” he said, as he addressed Club employees. “The drive for quality that I have seen from both our team and our members is outstanding, and I look forward to working with you all to support that commitment.
“We are operating in uncertain times, but The Swedish Club has seen many changes in its 150-year history. We will benefit from this strong platform when moving forward together and facing the challenges and opportunities that the next few years will bring,” he said.
Thomas Nordberg joins the Club with a solid pedigree in the marine insurance industry, having spent, as he says, a 30-year educational journey just to prepare for the role.
“I feel in many ways that heading up The Swedish Club has been tailormade because the kind of roles that I have held in the past have been preparing me for this moment. I now hope to be able to transfer some of the experiences and insights that I gained during my career to help move the Club forward,” he added.

Thomas Nordberg (right), Managing Director, meeting members.
For further information, please contact Debra Massey at +44 1296 682675, email
Notes to Editors
The Swedish Club was founded by shipowners in 1872 and is today a leading and diversified mutual marine insurance company owned and controlled by its members. The Club writes Protection & Indemnity, Freight, Demurrage & Defence, Hull & Machinery, Hull Interests, Loss of Hire, War Risks, and any additional insurance required by shipowners or charterers. It also writes Hull & Machinery, War risks and Loss of Hire for Mobile Offshore Units and FPSOs.
Its head office is in Gothenburg, Sweden, with branch offices in Piraeus, Oslo, London, Hong Kong and Singapore.