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The Swedish Club has underlined its commitment to improving the safety culture in the maritime industry by allowing all member companies, whether lead hull or P&I, to sign up to its Maritime Resource Management (MRM) course free for a period of two years.

The move, which will take effect from 1 January 2014, is part of the Club’s keenness to give all member companies the opportunity to have the right training procedures in place to help in the fight to prevent the unpredictable casualties that are so often related to human and organisational errors.

Managing Director Lars Rhodin said it was all part of a determination by The Swedish Club to put safety and a strong safety culture at the forefront of the way its members own and manage their ships.
“This offer to our membership is a clear statement of how convinced we are about the effectiveness of our Maritime Resource Management programmes in improving the safety culture both at sea and on shore.”

Martin Hernqvist, Managing Director of The Swedish Club Academy, which runs the MRM courses, said: “The positive impact on accidents and claims that we have seen from MRM success-fully implemented in a shipping company is extraordinary. We want our members to experience the same development and it will be a joint effort between the Club and our membership to reach the safety targets. It will not happen overnight.”

The MRM course is designed to minimise the risk of incidents by encouraging safe and responsible behaviour. It aims to foster positive attitudes, favouring good personal communication, excellence in leadership and team-working skills and compliance with operating procedures. It is ideal for deck and engineering officers, together with maritime pilots and shore-based personnel. The objective is to ensure that sound resource management practices underpin everyday operations.

Mr Hernqvist concluded: “I am convinced that the initiative taken by The Swedish Club will be a major step forward in enhancing safety, not just within the Club, but in the maritime industry as a whole.”


For further information please contact:
Lars Rhodin  
Telephone: +46 31 638 417,  

Martin Hernqvist 
Telephone: +46 31 638 420, Mobile: +46 706 313 299,

Websites: and


The Swedish Club was founded in 1872 and is today a leading and diversified mutual marine insurance company, owned and controlled by its members. The Club writes Protection & Indemnity, Freight, Demurrage & Defence, Hull & Machinery, Hull Interests, Loss of Hire, War Risks, and any additional insurances required by shipowners or charterers. It also writes Hull & Machinery, War risks and Loss of Hire for Mobile Offshore Units and FPSOs. Its head office is located in Gothenburg, Sweden, with branch offices in Piraeus, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Oslo.