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Rules for Charterers' InsuranceThe Swedish Club has launched a new addition to its portfolio, Rules for Charterers’ Insurance, which has been written to recognise the specific needs of charterers and to ensure that cover can be more easily tailor made to meet their individual requirements. 

Rules for Charterers’ Insurance is broken into easy to read topics, enabling brokers and charterers to see at a glance the rules that apply to an individual situation. Future rule amendments can be incorporated in a logical and transparent fashion and not only is it now easier for brokers to find the data they require, but they can also simply refer to the handbook when completing insurance slips.

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Lars Malm, Director, Strategic Business Development & Client Relations, who headed up the initiative says: “The Swedish Club recognises the importance of charterers to our business and we are delighted to be able to now offer them information specific to their own requirements in a way that improves the user experience for all involved in supporting them.”


For further information please contact:
Debra Massey +44 (0) 1296 682675

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Notes to Editors:
The Swedish Club was founded in 1872 and is today a leading and diversified mutual marine insurance company, owned and controlled by its members. The Club writes Protection & Indemnity, Freight, Demurrage & Defence, Hull & Machinery, Hull Interests, Loss of Hire, War Risks, and any additional insurances required by shipowners or charterers. It also writes Hull & Machinery, War risks and Loss of Hire for Mobile Offshore Units and FPSOs.

Its head office is located in Gothenburg, Sweden, with branch offices in Piraeus, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Oslo and London.

More information about the Club is available at: