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Murphy, Rogers & Sloss, New Orleans, US, has provided us with the following information.


Please find attached “U.S. Coast Safety Alert” dated the 4th of February 2005 that we received from the U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety, Security and Environmental Protection department in Washington, D.C.

The message transcribes the contents of the attached “U.S. Coast Safety Alert” entitled “GPS Receiver Manually-Entered Position Offsets May Cause Safety Hazard When Interconnected to Navigation Devices.” The “U.S. Safety Alert” discusses safety concerns when “…manually-entered position offsets are entered into the GPS receiver. Even a small offset could result in danger of collision or other navigation safety hazard when the receiver is interconnected to devices such as an automatic identification system (AIS), Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS), integrated navigation systems (INS) or track control system (TCS).


For further information please contact Mr. Charles Whited at (504) 523-0400

* Update
On February 4, 2005, the U.S. Coast Guard Office of Investigations and Analysis distributed Safety Alert 1-05 regarding GPS Receiver Position Offset. The manufacturer, Furuno U.S.A. Inc. has provided additional information describing the position offset problem and the availability of a software update. Please find more information
here (PDF).

Member Alert is published by The Swedish Club as a service to members. While the information is believed correct, the Club cannot assume responsibility for completeness or accuracy.