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IVORY P&I, our correspondents in IVORY COAST, has provided us with the following information.


This is an official notice to advise of the evolution of the situation in IVORY COAST.

As you probably already know, the second round of the ongoing Presidential elections was held last Sunday. The results disclosed yesterday afternoon, 02.12.10, by the Independent Electoral Commission announcing former Prime Minister Mr OUATTARA as the winner are now being challenged by his opponent, current President Laurent BAGBO.

As a result, President BAGBO has maintained the night curfew already in place since last Sunday. He however also ordered yesterday evening the closing of ALL FRONTIERS & BORDERS, road, sea and air until further notice. Officially, the situation will be reassessed by the Presidency this Sunday, 05.12.2010.

The situation locally is extremely tensed, and, although the curfew is only at night, in Abidjan people are strongly encouraged to refrain from leaving their homes even during the day unless they really have to.

Until then, the airports are closed and NO VESSEL IS ALLOWED IN OR OUT OF ANY IVORIAN PORT.

As for port activity for ships already in port, day shift in Abidjan ends earlier than usual (15:00 local time) and night shift takes place during curfew hours (from 19:30 to 05:00). Crews are however forbidden from leaving ships and no port personnel are allowed to leave the Port premises for the duration of the curfew.

This is the situation as it rests today, Friday 03.12.2010, at 11:00 CET / 10:00 GMT.



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