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IVORY P&I, our correspondents in IVORY COAST, has provided us with the following information.


ABIDJAN: the Abidjan Port Authorities have issued an official circular to all Owners and Agents advising that NO VESSEL arriving from one of the contaminated countries is allowed to call in Abidjan until further notice. They also recommend for other vessels that any illness occurring onboard with Ebola-like symptoms should immediately be reported, regardless of where that vessel is arriving from.

SAN PEDRO: The San Pedro Port Authorities have now rendered compulsory the following procedure for inbound vessels:
1/ prior to arrival in port: along with the usual documents to be forwarded to the Harbor Master’s office, ships will now have to disclose systematically receipt/report of their last sanitary control + photocopies of the onboard medical consults registry for the past 20 days. Furthermore any case of sudden fever and bleeding must be declared. Also, any suspicion of Ebola case must be declared to the Sanitary Authorities prior to berthing

2/ once at berth: Representatives of the Port’s Health Authorities will be awaiting vessels’ berthing in order to perform a systematic medical screening of the crew. Other Port Authorities will only be allowed onboard for regular duties once vessel is cleared by the Health Authorities. To that effect, ships will need to instruct their watchmen to forbid ANY ACCESS TO THE VESSEL TO ANYONE BUT the Health Authorities until clearance is granted.

3/ in case of suspicion: Yellow flag will have to remain visible and no one will be allowed in or out of the ship. The suspected case will be evacuated to the San Pedro Hospital. Vessel and rest of the crew will be placed under a 21-days quarantine.

It must however be specified that the above procedure was decided BEFORE the above-described decision made by the Abidjan Port Authorities and it might very well be that, in light of such, the San Pedro P.A. will also decide to strengthen their position.



Circulaire relative a la fievre hemorragie EBOLA.pdf

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