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Pandi Liquidadores S.R.L., our correspondents in Argentina, has provided us with the following information.


Please be informed as per circular issued by the Centro de Navegacion (Chamber grouping local agents in Argentina) that the local Pilots Association through the River Plate Area Committee has decided that bearing in mind that there are not clear instructions from the Sanitary Authorities as to the measures and actions to be met with by the pilots in relation to the vessels coming from infected areas with Ebola, the pilots companies rendering pilotage services in the River Plate who are part of the Committee, decided that their pilots will not board any vessel coming from the infected areas (Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone) until 30 (thirty) days since the vessel sailed from last port of the infected areas has elapsed by the time the should board the vessel for pilotage.

On the other hand the Centro de Navegacion has addressed a letter to the Sanitary Authorities requesting to issue a procedure in respect of the vessels arriving from the infected areas. (letters from Pilot Association and CNT in Spanish language attached, free translation to follow).

In view of the aforementioned, we would suggest that if any vessel is coming from any of those countries then her Master/Owners should get advice from their local agents in advance and before arriving/entering the River Plate area.

However, this office will continue watching the situation and will issue further circulars on the subject when and if further news to report.



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