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Burning shipIt was evening and the vessel had completed loading and was ready for departure. All pre-departure checklists had been  completed. The Second Officer had checked the tide in the harbour, and departure was scheduled for just after low tide. The tide was running between 1.5 – 2.5 knots with a height of 0.4 metres. The maximum draft for vessels entering the port was 9 metres. After loading the maximum draft was 8.2 metres, which was aft.

Two pilots boarded the vessel and met the Chief Officer on the bridge, who presented the departure calculations and gave them the pilot card. The Master, who had visited the port numerous times before, arrived on the bridge just before departure. He had been delayed because he had to complete the final paperwork with the agent.

Read more about the importance of shared mental picture in bridge team and pilot briefing and MRM in the latest Monthly Safety Scenario.

Download the MSS case for May here»

For more Loss Prevention information, please contact: 
Joakim Enström, 
Loss Prevention Officer

Each month the Club’s Loss Prevention team issues a new safety scenario to assist members in their efforts to comply with international safety regulations and follow best practices. 

When discussing the case, please consider that the actions taken at the time made sense for all involved. Do not only judge, but also ask why you think these actions were taken, and could this happen on your vessel?