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The US President has signed Executive Order (E.O.) 13780 entitled “Executive Order Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States.” This E.O. rescinds E.O. 13769 and introduces new restrictions on travel to the U.S. from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

Impact of the E.O. Crew from the Six Designated Countries

Crewmembers from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen will not be able to enter the U.S. unless they hold valid visas prior to March 16th, and they will not be able to obtain visas until 90 days after March 16th. If a crewmember holds a valid visa he or she will be free to enter the United States. In a statement issued on March 6th the Secretary of Homeland Security, John Kelly, wrote:

“The Executive Order signed today is prospective in nature – applying only to foreign nationals outside of the United States who do not have a valid visa. It is important to note that nothing in this executive order affects current lawful permanent residents or persons with current authorization to enter our country. If you have a current valid visa to travel, we welcome you.”

However, if a vessel arrives at a U.S. port with crew from any of the six designated countries who do not have valid visas, those crewmembers will not be permitted to leave the vessel and it can be anticipated that the U.S. authorities may well order that armed guards be placed at the vessel’s gangway to prevent any such crew from departing the vessel. In addition, if any crewmember’s visa expires after March 16, the crewmember must apply for a new visa.
For more information please visit the Official website of the Department of Homeland Security