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lifebuoyThe vessel was at anchor awaiting further orders when the weather started to worsen, with a wind force of 5-6, southerly winds and a south-westerly swell of about 3 metres.

The Chief Engineer was on deck and noticing that one of the mooring ropes was trailing in the water from the stern, he informed the bridge. Soon afterwards the Second Officer and three ABs, followed by the Chief Officer, came to help retrieve the rope. The Master was on the bridge and monitored the operation.

While the crew were retrieving the mooring rope the weather rapidly worsened bringing with it a squall. The Chief Engineer saw a large wave coming towards the vessel and immediately called to everyone to try to find something to hold onto.

Read more about possible scenarios that can happen when life-saving equipment such as lifebuoys are not in place in the latest Monthly Safety Scenario.

Download the MSS case for June here»

For more Loss Prevention information, please contact: 
Joakim Enström, 
Loss Prevention Officer

Each month the Club’s Loss Prevention team issues a new safety scenario to assist members in their efforts to comply with international safety regulations and follow best practices. 

When discussing the case, please consider that the actions taken at the time made sense for all involved. Do not only judge, but also ask why you think these actions were taken, and could this happen on your vessel?