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In February 2017 we reported the following:


STOPIA 2006 (as amended 2017) and TOPIA 2006 (as amended 2017) – 2017 amendments
16 February – The Small Tanker Oil Pollution Indemnification Agreement (STOPIA) and the Tanker Oil Pollution Indemnification Agreement (TOPIA) were agreed in 2006 to reflect the desire of shipowner entered Members in International Group Clubs to ensure the continuing success of the international oil pollution compensation regime.

Member Alerts

Navigation on the Amazon River
1 February – 

Executive order on immigration affect vessel crews
1 February – An Executive Order from US President Trump that has banned all Syrian refugees from entering the US, suspended all refugee admissions for 120 days, and which has blocked the entry into the US of citizens from seven Middle Eastern and African countries, will impact shipowners and charterers with crewmembers from Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, Iran and Libya. 

MARS report February 2017
1 February – In the latest MARS report, the focus is on the Master’s responsibilites.

Closing of Nickel Ore Mines in the Philippines
3 February – The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has ordered the closure of 21 mines in the campaign to fight environmental degradation by the industry.

Ballast Water Management – How to comply with the IMO Convention
3 February – With the ratification of the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention in September 2016, the convention will enter into force on 8 September 2017. With only some months to go, this Technical & Regulatory News is intended as a supporting document for the BWM implementation phase, focusing on compliance. 

Ban against entry to the US presently suspended but may be reinforced
6 February – Members will recall the US President issued an Executive Order on 27 January 2017 entitled, “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States” barring citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries — Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen — from entering the US for 90 days, all refugees for 120 days and indefinitely halts refugees from Syria.

Anticipated Volume of Non-tank Vessel Response Plan Resubmissions in 2019
7 February – In anticipation of the large volume of NTVRP Resubmissions associated with the first 5-year renewal cycle following the implementation of the Nontank Final Rule, the Coast Guard Vessel Response Plan Program encourages vessel owner/operators to consider resubmitting their NTVPRs early.

Revision on the Provisions of Peoples’ Republic of China on Administration of Prevention of Marine Environmental Pollution Caused by Ships and Their Related Operating Activities
9 February – Ministry of Transportation of China abolished the sludge and garbage disposal requirement on ocean vessels before departure from Chinese ports as of 13 December 2016.

Sanitary dispositions in Argentina
15 February – In relation to ships of international traffic and cruises, as established in the international sanitary regulation 2005 under Title VI: Articles 35, 36, 37, 38 and 39, no other health documents shall be require than those provided for in that Regulation or in the recommendations made by WHO, including: Certificate of Health on board, Maritime Declaration of Health, List of ports of the last thirty Days, list of crew and passengers, copy of medical book, etc.

Guinea: Ports open despite violence on streets
21 February – In Conakry and Kamsar, roads were blockaded with burning tyres while vandals destroyed whatever they could find including cars, ambulances and medical centres. The press reports that at least five people were killed and a further 30 people were injured. 12 arrests were made. The manager of our Conakry office personally witnessed rioters attacking a journalist.

Yemen flagYemen: Port Situation
22 February – Situation in Hodeidah and Aden is still tense. There have been few air strikes in Hodeidah port which destroyed radar station after the above incident. Currently Hodeidah, Saleef, Aden and Mukalla ports are working normally. All gantry cranes and warehouses have been destroyed by air strikes in Hodeidah port. Vessels calling at Yemeni ports still will only be allowed to enter Yemeni territorial waters following an inspection by the Saudi Arabian coalition forces.

Club News

Shipping Podcast: How is innovation driven in shipping today?
23 February – Shipping Podcast: How is innovation driven in shipping today?

Drones – friend or fore?
7 February – The use of drones at sea is becoming more and more widespread. But what are the insurance risks?  

Man spraying paint on a shipBarnacles beware
2 February – How can you combine environmental performance and fuel cost savings? Find out more in the latest issue of Triton.

Member Alert is published by The Swedish Club as a service to members. While the information is believed correct, the Club cannot assume responsibility for completeness or accuracy.