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In October 2017 we reported the following:

Member Alerts

Read more about the US sanctions on North Korea
2 October – The US Coast Guard has issued information on vessels affected by U.S. sanctions on North Korea. Generally, vessels having called North Korea are banned from US ports for a period of 180 days.

Monthly Safety Scenario: Cargo and Hull damage while at anchor in heavy weather
2 October – At lunch time the weather worsened and the general cargo vessel started to roll and pitch heavily at their anchor spot. The chief officer decided that he should inspect the cargo. While walking on deck he heard a loud noise from cargo hold number 1.

Bangladesh: Loss Prevention Bulletin
10 October – There had been considerable increase in the number of vessels calling the port of Chittagong, resulting in congestion at the Chittagong Outer Anchorage as most of the vessels carrying bulk cargo discharge their bulk cargoes into the lighter barges by Ship-to-Ship (STS) transfer operation at outer anchorage.

Guidelines for the carriage of Charcoal and Carbon in Containers
13 October – New Guidelines for the carriage of Charcoal and Carbon in containers have been published jointly by CINS (the Cargo Incident Notification System) and the International Group of P&I Clubs.

Sanctions on Qatar
25 October – Please note that the sanctions imposed by UAE, Saudi, Egypt and Bahrain on 5th June still continues to be in force and there has been no relaxations in the sanctions.

Monthly Safety Scenario November: Injured by derrick
26 October – One of the crew members from the fuel bargecame onboard to assist with connecting thefuel hose to the bunker station. Suddenly a loud sound was heard and the entire derrick fell towards the deck, hit the railing and the fuel barge’s crew member on his helmet.

Plague in Madagascar
26 October – An unusual outbreak of plague pneumonia is occurring in widespread areas of Madagascar, including in heavily populated cities of Antananarivo (the capital city and its suburbs) and Toamasina.


Hull & Machinery Insurance 2018
9 October – The terms for 2018’s Hull & Machinery Insurance are outlined in the circular.

Club News

MRM online as a complement to classroom training
3 October – The Swedish Club Academy is now offering MRM online to meet members’ requirements for cost-effective accident prevention training that can be carried out anywhere, at any time.

4 October – How important are the digital initiatives to the shipping industry?
In this episode of Shipping Podcast, Roger Adamson, CEO of Futurenautics Maritime, talk about the state of digital infrastructure investment in the shipping and maritime industry.

The importance of context – Mixing apples and pears
5 October – The early redelivery of a vessel named New Flamenco has triggered a question about mitigation of damages which has been batted about in the English legal system for some time.

Visionary leadership important for the future of shipping industry
9 October – In episode 66 of Shipping Podcast, Melvin Mathews, Maritime Director at Eniram, talks about why the future shipping industry need new, visionary leadership. He also has noticed that the Millenials and the Generation Z:s are bringing a new perspective to our industry.

Cargoes affected by self-heating
11 October – Many marine cargo fires and explosions are due to self-heating in some form. In general, self-heating occurs when an exothermic (heat-producing) chemical or biochemical reaction happens within a body of cargo. Read more about Cargoes affected by self-heating in The Swedish Club brochure ‘Fire! A guide to the causes and prevention of cargo fires’.

The Swedish Club welcomes Erasmus students
27 October – On Monday 16 October, The Swedish Club hosted a seminar for students from the Erasmus University Rotterdam. The students were introduced to P&I and FD&D insurances by our in-house staff. The purpose of the trip to Scandinavia is to learn more about the maritime laws in Denmark, Sweden and Norway and compare the different laws.

Member Alert is published by The Swedish Club as a service to members. While the information is believed correct, the Club cannot assume responsibility for completeness or accuracy.