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The vessel would be berthed port side between two vessels which were already berthed. The master asked the pilot if any tugboats would be necessary, but the pilot said it would be unnecessary as the vessel would have 200 m clearance between the berthed vessels.

In the latest MSS Case, we discuss how we ensure that we keep track of the current and wind, how it is communicated within the bridge team and if there are assigned roles for the bridge team.

What was the cause of this accident and how to prevent this scenario from happening again? Read the full case in the latest MSS Case, provided by our Loss Prevention department.

ship at berth

Contact while berthing.pdf

For more Loss Prevention information, please contact:

Joakim Enström
Loss Prevention Officer
Tel: +46 31 638 445
Mobile: +46 763 217 666

Member Alert is published by The Swedish Club as a service to members. While the information is believed correct, the Club cannot assume responsibility for completeness or accuracy.