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Our correspondent from Venezuela, VENEPANDI CA, provided us with the latest information about the danger of navigation in the international water of the Venezuelan Caribbean Sea. The alert is explicitly geared to the vessels that are heading toward the ports of eastern Venezuela.

“There is a large rock in the Latitude and Longitude (10°16.2’N -64°33.6’W) at a distance of 0.55 nautical miles from “Isla de Monos” and 2.17 nautical miles from the port of Guanta, that according to the Masters does not appear on the ENC Nautical charts, and there have already been several incidents in this regard since the Masters report that the rock does not appear on their ECDIS equipment on board.

We currently have the case of a Liberian-flagged vessel, in which the Master reported that the rock did not appear in his ENCs and therefore she ran aground, causing serious damage to her hull and her detention for environmental damage since the rock is located within an area called “Mochima National Park” cataloged as country’s environmental heritage.

We are currently investigating if there is any ENC chart that is including said bulge in the Venezuelan maritime waters, the result of which will be notified in another bulletin.

If you want further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.”

C.C.C.T. Torre B, Piso 10, Ofc. 1001
Av. Ernesto Blohm
Chuao, Caracas, C.P. 1064
Phone: +58 212 9593 338
Fax: +58 212 9056 364
Emergency phone: +58 414 2529 494
Phone 2: +58 212 9593 352

The Swedish Club publishes member alerts as a service to members. While the information is believed correct, the Club or the Correspondent cannot assume responsibility for completeness or accuracy.