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The 15 year-old bulk carrier was in dry dock completing its third special survey. As usual there were also many other maintenance tasks being carried out at the same time, including the replacement of a section of a de-aeration pipe in the cargo hold.

The Chief Officer had discovered during a cargo hold inspection a month earlier, that the de-aeration pipe seemed to be corroded. This pipe led from the sea chest, passing through the cargo hold, then through a heavy fuel oil (HFO) tank and finally out through the vessel’s shell plate.

It was decided that the section of the pipe in the cargo hold should be replaced and that crossbars should also be fitted for protection against damage during cargo handling.

Read more about this case in the latest Monthly Safety Scenario.

For more Loss Prevention information, please contact:

Joakim Enström, Loss Prevention Officer


Each month the Club’s Loss Prevention team issues a new safety scenario to assist members in their efforts to comply with international safety regulations and follow best practices.