Port of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates is next in line banning the use of open-loop scrubbers in its waters. Previously, big shipping hubs such as China, Singapore and Belgium have announced that they will ban discharge from open-loop scrubbers within certain areas of their territorial waters.
An open-loop scrubber system discharges the seawater used for removing SOx (sulphur oxides) from the exhaust gases into the sea. Although, makers of these kinds of scrubbers state that the wash water is harmless to the environment, the shipping industry now faces a situation where ports around the world are banning a system which is thought to be an accepted equivalent to low sulphur fuel.
Members are advised to keep themselves updated about the local regulations applicable within their vessels’ trading areas. Where ports have banned discharge from open-loop scrubbers, members should make sure that proper arrangement is in place to prevent such discharge.
Circular from Port of Fujairah >
The legal framework, the MARPOL Annex VI rules on sulphur emissions
Member Alert is published by The Swedish Club as a service to members. While the information is believed correct, the Club cannot assume responsibility for completeness or accuracy.