In February 2019 we reported the following:
P&I: Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) – Germany (February 2019)
15 February – Working through the International Group, and with specialised legal support, the Clubs continue to monitor the developing situation in Germany as regards Insurance Premium Tax on clubs’ business.
Member Alerts
Newsletter on commercial crime from ICC
1 February – The February newsletter from the International Chamber of Commerce.
Sanctions against Venezuela impact shipping
4 February – The Club wish to highlight the following aspects that may be relevant for members being involved in transactions relating to the Venezuelan oil sector or trading with Venezuela generally.
Member news from International Maritime Bureau
4 February – The IMB Confidential e-Bulletin no 3 2019 can be accessed through The Swedish Club Online member area (SCOL).
MSS Case February: Fall during cargo operation caused serious back injuries
8 February – The general cargo vessel was about to discharge packaged sawn timber in a small Caribbean port in this Monthly Safety Scenario Case, which ended up with serious back injuries for a member of the crew.
Sanctions create significant payment problems
18 February – Sanctions against Iran cause payment problems because banks have proven reluctant to make any payments having even a connection with Iran notwithstanding that the payment may be perfectly legitimate.
Corruption ranking in the latest IMB bulletin
19 February – Ranking among 180 countries gives the list of The Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2018. Read about this and the disappearance of cryptocurrency into “cold wallets” in the latest IMB bulletin at SCOL.
Caution when calling Port-Au-Prince, Haiti
22 February – Political instability in Haiti continues. Safety remains a concern in the areas around the outside of the port of Port-Au-Prince and throughout the city, reports our correspondent in the area.
Extreme water flows on the Mississippi River
26 February – Our lawyers in New Orleans warns about the extreme high river and strong currents presently being experienced on the Mississippi River. According to the forecast the situation will last for the entire month of March and well into April.
Press Releases
The Swedish Club delivers expert advice on dealing with the Sulphur Cap 2020
12 Febrruary – On 1 January 2020 vessel owners must have made the decision to install exhaust gas scrubbers or to burn low sulphur or alternative fuels. To assist the shipowner, the Club has obtained expert advice from a leading marine engineering consultancy and from experts in contract law.
Club News
The Shipping Podcast: Helle Hammer Managing Director at Cefor
25 February – Meet Helle Hammer, Managing Director at The Nordic Association of Marine Insurers (Cefor) through the Shipping Podcast. She represents marine insurers in the Nordic countries.
Out and About
Meeting with young professionals at Sjölog, Chalmers
26 February – The Swedish Club was one of the exhibitors at Sjölog 2019 in Gothenburg, an event where maritime students and business people can meet and network.