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Brazil P&I our correspondents in Santos, Brazil, has provided us with the following information.


This is to advise you that a recent Normative Instruction of the Brazilian Customs, authorizes terminals etc to liberate cargoes upon presentation of the Import Declaration, a copy of the B/L (front and reverse) and proof that they have paid the respective taxes,  WITHOUT the necessity of the importer/Consignee to produce the ORIGINAL BILL OF LADING. This is already causing some consternation amongst the local agents and shipping companies. Sindamar – the Maritime Agency Syndicate has held meetings with the Authorities involved and the discussions have moved to a higher level. Shipping Agents can no longer block the release of cargoes via the Siscomex system on line. Some terminals have already liberated cargoes under this new regime.

To better understand fully the effects of this instruction we have asked our legal advisers to give us their valued opinion and tell us what safeguards the Carrier can take in order to protect his interests.


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