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Pandi Liquidadores S.R.L., our correspondents in Argentina, has provided us with the following information.


Further to our circulars of July and August 2013 in relation to Customs new resolution in relation to determination of weights for solid bulk cargoes,
please note as follows:


1)    In relation to the export of solid bulk cargoes since Customs issued their internal memo to all their offices at different ports across the country, and in accordance with a survey we have performed with different ship agents and surveyors, the weights are now ascertained by Customs  through draft survey method.

2)    The only minor exemption would appear to be in the ports of Necochea and Bahia Blanca where if there is a discrepancy between customs draft survey and shore scales of less than 0.6% then the mates receipts are based on shore figures otherwise draft survey are used.

3)    We have noted that in some cases the shippers and/or their agents are presenting to the Master mates receipts based on the weights ascertained through shore scales instead of the weights ascertained by Customs through draft survey.

4)    In view of the aforementioned our suggestion is:

a) That Masters ensure that they are part of the draft survey performed by Customs .
b) That the Custom’s draft report is signed by Customs and the vessel’s command.
b) That a copy of the draft survey report issued by Customs is kept on board.
c) That mates receipts are presented and signed with the weights ascertained through draft survey only,  unless for some reason it was not possible for Customs to do so.

5)    It is always good for a surveyor to be appointed as to follow the draft survey and assist the Master until the time the M/Rs are presented for signature .

6)    In case of any doubt the Master should contact us immediately for assistance.

If this new method continues in Argentina  for the loading of solid bulk cargoes it would without doubt be of benefit to owners, as mentioned in previous circulars as, all problems in remarking bills of lading when there were disputes between ships and shore figures would disappear.


With reference to import cargoes specially fertilizers, the Customs are still going through the shore scales methods for weighing purposes which still lead to Customs infringements and potential fines when discrepancies between manifested and discharged cargo are ascertained.  

However, in the last three vessel which we have had, we have invited Customs to attend joint survey on board based on resolution 3506 and although the shore scale method was still applied, Customs attended to our request which gave more evidence to dispute any fines at a later stage. Moreover, in those cases – probably due to steps taken – the differences between manifested and discharged cargo have been minimum and within the tolerances in force.

In view of the aforementioned, we still believe that Owners where possible should proceed as suggested in our attached circular in relation to fertilizers in bulk in the sense of inviting customs/receivers to carry out a joint draft survey and unsealing of hatches if in fact they have been sealed at load port.



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