A 1,000 TEU container vessel departed the berth after loading. During the loading there had been some delay and the gantry cranes had stopped operating because of strong winds, so the Master was eager to depart. The navigation officer had prepared the bridge before departure. On the bridge was the Master, pilot, lookout and Chief Officer. A tug assisted the vessel during departure. The Master gave the pilot the pilot-card and gave the pilot the conn.
The pilot’s plan was for the vessel to go astern and swing to port and clear the end of the berth and then follow the fairway. However, he did not explain the plan to the Master, and the Master did not enquire.
Read more about the consequences when the Master and the pilot doesn’t cooperate and the importance of why the bridge team should have proper MRM training in the latest Monthly Safety Scenario.
Download the MSS case for February here»
For more Loss Prevention information, please contact:
Joakim Enström, Loss Prevention Officer
E-mail: joakim.enstrom@swedishclub.com
Each month the Club’s Loss Prevention team issues a new safety scenario to assist members in their efforts to comply with international safety regulations and follow best practices.
When discussing the case, please consider that the actions taken at the time made sense for all involved. Do not only judge, but also ask why you think these actions were taken, and could this happen on your vessel?