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The root causes of many groundings and collisions, loss anchors are among the top five reasons for claims costs. 

Ship anchoringBased on an analysis of damage cases involving anchor and anchor chain losses, the project partners (DNV GL, Gard, and The Swedish Club) issued a report (April 2017 and still valid) identifying the most frequent technical and operational causes and some steps crews and operators can take to address them.

“One of the key takeaways of our investigation is the importance of the officers and crew being aware of the environmental loads their equipment is designed for, ” says Håkon Skaret, Senior Principal Engineer at DNV GL. “If these limits are not taken account of in shipboard anchoring procedures, there can be significant damage to the vessel – even beyond the loss of anchor and chain. Many anchor losses are avoidable if the proper maintenance and handling procedures are adhered to.”

We have an Anchor-loss USB with videos, presentation material, case studies, and newsletters.
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Anchor loss USB

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