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Reporting Guidance for vessels transiting the Arabian Gulf (AG), Straits of Hormuz (SoH) and Gulf of Oman (GOO) from the BIMCO Maritime Security Committee.

A. UKMTO Advisory Notice 002/JUL/2029.
B. U.S. Maritime Alert 2019-004A.
C. BMP5.
D. UKHO Security Chart Q6099.

The incidents against tankers transiting Straits of Hormuz on Friday 19 July have been widely reported (Ref A & B).

To ensure the safety of all vessels and allow navies to afford best protection to global trade it is vital:

  • Masters register with UKMTO when entering the Indian Ocean VRA (Ref C & D).
  • Comply with Flag State Guidance.
  • 24-48 hrs in advance – Masters provide transit plans for the SoH and AG to UKMTO including:
    – Time of Entering/Exiting the SoH TSS.
    – Outline of Navigation Plan whilst operating in SoH and AG.
    – Any constraints or speed restrictions.
    – Crew Nationality.
  • CSO’s ensure all contact numbers for UKMTO and USNAVCENT NCAGS are correct.
  • In the event of any incident or being concerned, Masters should call UKMTO immediately.
  • Masters answer all VHF calls from coalition navies. Ch16 is becoming very busy, alternative channels will be offered.
  • CSOs and Masters prepare, print and have available the correct response if called on VHF.

UKMTO will share information with the navies joining Operation Sentinel, and questions regarding information sharing can be directed to UKMTO. Navies are operating in the SoH and to offer best protection they need to be aware of all vessel movements and intentions.

Useful BMP Contact details:

UKMTO, United Kingdom Marine Trade Operations
Tel: +44 2392 222060

24/7 Watch: +973-1785-0084

Download additional sources of information:

Safety & Security and the use of Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel (PCASP) in Arabian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz and Gulf of Oman » (3 July, 2019)

BMP5: Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy and Enhance Maritime Security in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea » (June, 2018)

OCIMF’s Ship Security: Hull Vulnerability Study » (2019)

NATO ATP2 – NCAGS Guide to Owners, Operators, Masters and Officers Edition A Version 1 Annex D to Chp 4 »