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In connection with the Kherson State Maritime Academy’s celebration to welcome the new cadets on 8 October 2011, Marlow Navigation and the KSMA signed a training cooperation agreement for the year 2012. All photos below are from these festive events of 8 October to which a group of people from abroad, including The Swedish Club Academy, had been invited. In times when the shipping industry is facing tough challenges to attract young people to a seafaring career, it was delightful to see the large number of new cadets joining the inauguration parade. Thanks to KSMA’s pro-active rector V.F. Khodakovskiy and his dedicated team, the number of new cadets at the Academy has increased steadily over the past ten years.

In 2007, a training agreement was signed between the Kherson State Maritime Academy (Marine college at the time) and Marlow Navigation.

The agreement provides for training, certification and further employment of cadets onboard Marlow Navigation ships and their career promotion. Substantial support to improve the Academy’s training facilities has since 2007 been provided by Marlow Navigation. This includes the donation of a modern rescue boat “Brig”, a library of 200 text-books and manuals as well as electronic training materials for marine specialists, the installation of a free-fall boat simulator at the training water station – an installation unique for the Ukraine.

On a Marlow Navigation initiative, Maritime Resource Management (MRM) training was implemented in the Academy’s training bachelors.

The most recent installations include four Wi-Fi classrooms and a server room, a printing house for publishing own textbooks, a heavy-lift cargo simulator, HUET simulator, a specialized laboratory for training electrical engineers, container lashing simulator and a bridge simulator. The MRM project and the latter installations have been co-financed by DEG (Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH).

From left to right: Mr V.F. Khodakovskiy, rector of KSMA, Capt Walter Wekenborg, Director of Training & Human Resources, Marlow Navigation, Mr Hermann Eden, Chairman, Marlow Navigation. 

The heavy lift simulator.

Demonstration of the offshore safety training unit.

 All photos below are from the initiation ceremony of the new cadets.