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We have the pleasure to announce that Maritime State University named after G. I. Nevelskoi (MSU) in Vladivostok, Russia, today has signed an MRM licence agreement.

MSU is the first Maritime University in Russia to prepare specialists necessary for maritime transport systems in the spheres of natural science, the humanities, technical and marine conventional trends. Today, there are more than 5 000 students at MSU. MSU includes 11 institutes, 16 faculties, Maritime College, Human-Technical Lyceum, lyceum classes, School of Young Sailors and Kid’s Studio.

MSU engages in academic and scientific cooperation with international connections. Some of the closest collaborations are with Maritime University in Kobe (Japan), Dalyang Maritime University and Shanghai Maritime University (China), Australian Maritime College (Australia), King Poinstock Academy of Trade Fleet and California Maritime University (USA) and Swedish International Maritime University (Sweden).