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Fire fighter onboard roro vesselThe cargo onboard the roro vessel was mostly vehicles, containers and Jerrycans on flat racks. The vessel sailed through heavy weather with up to beaufort 10 and waves of at least 8 meters. One of the containers came loose and it hit one of the flat racks with jerrycans. Some jerrycans fell onto the deck andleaked fuel. From the cameras on the bridge sparks could be seen on weather deck from the moving containers... Click here to read more»

Please note that the persons/vessel in the picture is not the one in the scenario.

To help our members in their efforts of complying with the safety regulations, the International Safety Management Code (ISM Code) and the Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen, we publish new Safety Scenarios once a month. 

You can also find all cases published by our Loss Prevention department on the extranet SCOL (Swedish Club OnLine).

For more Loss Prevention information, please contact:

Joakim Enström 
Loss Prevention Officer
Tel +46 31 638 445
Mobile +46 763 217 666

Member Alert is published by The Swedish Club as a service to members. While the information is believed correct, the Club cannot assume responsibility for completeness or accuracy.