On 28 February 2017, Martin Hernqvist conducted an MRM Train the Trainer Course in Mumbai at the Waterstones Hotel. There were a total of 12 participants representing 6 different companies and Training Centres. Those present were from Global Maritime Training Centre (formerly Bibby Maritime Training Centre), Goodwood Ship Management Pte. Ltd., MSI Shipping Services India Pvt Ltd., Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies, Scorpio Marine Management India, and Seaspan Crew Management Ltd.
A similar event was hosted by Grieg Philippines Inc. in Manila on 02 March with participants from Grieg Philippines Inc., MSI Ship Management Pte. Ltd., PSA Marine (Pte) Ltd, and ZRC Training Center Phils., Inc.
Mumbai, India outside of the Waterstones Hotel
MRM Facilitator Training Course participants at Grieg Philippines Inc. in Manila