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On Monday 16 October, The Swedish Club hosted a seminar for students from the Erasmus University Rotterdam. The students were introduced to P&I and FD&D insurances by our in-house staff. The purpose of the trip to Scandinavia is to learn more about the maritime laws in Denmark, Sweden and Norway and compare the different laws.

The students travel with faculty representatives in Scandinavia and the first stop was Copenhagen, Denmark, where they visited Maersk. They will also pay a visit to BIMCO, Chalmers, Gard and a few law firms.

The purpose of the trip is for the students to gain knowledge of the different laws within the different countries.

Merel Buur

Merel BuurMerel studies General Law and currently chooses to focus on Maritime Law (ML) for her Master degree.

“It’s a great way to study ML for an international career since ML works across borders”, says Merel, who is interested in working in a major law firm, where she will be able to practice her knowledge in an international environment.

The visit to The Swedish Club has given Merel insight on how P&I Clubs work as well as an overview of the Personal Injury and FD&D aspect of insurance.

Tycho Mol

Tycho MolTycho Mol has completed his Bachelor Degree in General Law and is currently working for the Juridische Faculteitsvereniging Rotterdam as a coordinator. Tycho is one of the students responsible for arranging the trip to Scandinavia.

Tycho explains; “The visit to Scandinavia is an opportunity for the students to get a better view on what Labour-, Commercial- and Maritime Law means.  It’s also a possibility for students, that haven’t yet decided what field to specialise in, to know what they want to focus on.

This type of trip is a valuable cooperation between the commercial aspect and the academic aspect.”