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The Swedish Club Loss Prevention department successfully hosted another webinar that focused on “Transporting cargo: Managing the risks” on February 24, 2021, in cooperation with CWA International and CWA Singapore. The panel of experts from CWA composed of Pierre de Jager, Director, Oil, Gas & Chemicals Department, Dr Caline Sahyoun, Head of Metals & Minerals Department, and James Blythe, Food Scientist, Food & Agricultural Commodities Department, discussed different cargo types, common claims, and highlighted loss prevention essentials during the webinar.

An insight into what kinds of claims the Club deals with and claims handling in practice was provided by Victor Johansson, Head of Claims P&I and FD&D at The Swedish Club. Joakim Enström, Loss Prevention Officer, talked about preventing the loss of containers at sea, which is highlighted in our publication Container focus. After the presentations, the Q&A followed, and the audience had the opportunity to ask relevant questions to the presenters. The webinar was moderated by Lorraine M. Hager, Loss Prevention and Marketing Advisor.

We thank CWA International and CWA Singapore for joining us on our webinar and sharing their expertise.

Watch the full recording below.
