We hereby enclose a form for the 4th quarter declarations to be completed and returned to us not later than 20 April 2014.
All tanker Owners, including Owners of OBO and OO vessels, have to make quarterly declarations in respect of voyages performed to the USA and US EEZ during the specified quarter. The reason for this reporting procedure is to ensure that all Members of the Association are charged an accurate surcharge for such voyages.
Completion and return of the enclosed declaration form is only required for owners of tankers, OBOs and OOs.
In respect of declaration of changes in carriage of Persistent/Non-Persistent cargoes, please note that the routines for such declarations have changed. Members are advised to inform the Association as soon as possible, but in any event no later than one month from the date of the completion of carriage, if a vessel — declared to the Association as not carrying persistent oil as cargo — is carrying a cargo of persistent oil. Members with OOs and OBOs declared as dry cargo vessels are advised to inform the Association as soon as possible, but in any event no later than one month from the date of the completion of carriage, if vessels are carrying oil as cargo whether persistent or non-persistent.
Please refer to attached declaration form and our circular 2561/2013 for more information.
You can now fill in the US Voyage Declarations in SCOL – Swedish Club OnLine – instead of sending a manually entered form
Only log on to SCOL and choose the tab “Forms”. Select period and vessel, which will open up the registration form where you can fill in the declaration. When you are finished, it can be sent (“Send Form”) to The Swedish Club. It is also possible to save the form as a draft (“Save as draft”). This will enable you to continue at a later stage.
In the Form page the process of the uploaded forms can also be followed:
– Created – Send form or Save as draft
– Finished – Send form
– Confirmed – The Swedish Club has received the form and taken appropriate action