Instructions Damage Surveys – P&I
Commonly the appointment of a surveyor is made by the local P&I correspondent after instructions by a claims handler or staff member.
The instructions should be confirmed by email and include the surveyor’s name in order for the Club to inform Owners/Master.
Survey Terms and Reporting
Always quote The Swedish Club claims reference number, vessel name and casualty title in all reports and correspondence. A preliminary report should be issued promptly. The claims handler will provide instructions if a final report is needed.
The survey report should state facts and circumstances and provide an objective conclusion.
A complete invoice for the services with a breakdown of costs should be sent to the Club together with the survey report. Invoices are to be addressed to the Member, their full address c/o The Swedish Club.
Please note that if a VAT number needs to be added, it is the member’s VAT number only.
Surveys for Member’s Own Account
The claims handler should advise the member and the supplier that all costs (including correspondent fees) will be for the member’s account and request the member’s confirmation in this respect.
Special Considerations
Please refer to the below-listed instructions and information documents for specific casualty situations.
Stowaway Questionnaire
To be completed as accurately as possible once a stowaway is found. For each stowaway, please use a separate questionnaire.
For more info, please contact: