Team Hong Kong
Our Hong Kong office was set up in 1982. Team Hong Kong is responsible for markets in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Major shipowners from Asia are represented on the Club’s board, ensuring the interests of this vital shipping sector are fully represented.
Visiting address:
The Swedish Club Hong Kong Branch
Suite 6306, Central Plaza
18 Harbour Road, Wanchai
Hong Kong
Company Id: F21394

Kitty Lam
Tel: +852 2598 6238
Mobile: +852 9151 1322
Email: kitty.lam@swedishclub.com

Carmen Or
Tel: +852 2598 6238
Email: carmen.or@swedishclub.com

Jason Wu
Tel: +852 2598 6238
Mobile: +852 9080 3371
Email: jason.wu@swedishclub.com

George Chou
Tel: +852 2598 6238
Mobile: +852 9096 4475
Email: george.chou@swedishclub.com

Kanis Tsang
Tel: +852 2598 6238
Mobile: +852 5303 6180
Email: kanis.tsang@swedishclub.com

Hongjun Sun
Tel: +852 2598 6238
Mobile: +852 9300 1726
Email: hongjun.sun@swedishclub.com

Haven Hang
Tel: +852 2598 6238
Mobile: +852 5171 9304
Email: haven.hang@swedishclub.com

Martyn Hughes
Tel: +852 2598 6238
Mobile: +852 9870 5917
Email: martyn.hughes@swedishclub.com
Qualified Solicitor, England & Wales

Angus Lai
Tel: +852 2598 6238
Mobile: +852 9870 5916
Email: angus.lai@swedishclub.com

Jeff Liu
Tel: +852 2598 6238
Mobile: +852 9618 3352
Email: jeff.liu@swedishclub.com

Monica Luo
Tel: +852 2598 6238
Mobile: +852 6753 3500
Email: monica.luo@swedishclub.com

Yuyang Sun
Tel: +852 2598 6238
Mobile: +852 6023 1798
Email: yuyang.sun@swedishclub.com

Brian Wan
Tel: +852 2598 6238
Mobile: +852 6263 1018
Email: brian.wan@swedishclub.com

Marina Wu
Tel: +852 2598 6238
Mobile: +852 9023 4850
Email: marina.wu@swedishclub.com