Head Office Gothenburg
Visiting address:
The Swedish Club
Gullbergs Strandgata 6
SE-411 04 Gothenburg
Postal address:
The Swedish Club
P.O. Box 171
SE-401 22 Gothenburg
Tel: +46 31 638 400
Fax: +46 31 156 711
EMERGENCY: +46 31 151 328
Org. No.: 557206-5265

Emilia Dean
Tel: +46 31 638 485
Mobile: +46 767 654 556
Email: emilia.dean@swedishclub.com

Project Management Office

Accounting & Financial Reporting

Anneli Adin Kroon
Tel: +46 31 638 484
Mobile: +46 707 616 461
Email: anneli.kroon@swedishclub.com

Financial Planning & Control

Office Administration

Henrik Lind
Tel: +46 31 638 460
Mobile: +46 705 553 309
Email: henrik.lind@swedishclub.com
Infrastructure & Operations

Peter Hedin
Tel: +46 31 638 406
Mobile: +46 706 548 406
Email: peter.hedin@swedishclub.com

System Development

Amin Mohamed
Tel: +46 31 638 480
Mobile: +46 722 135 421
Email: amin.mohamed@swedishclub.com

Ola Roos
Tel: +46 31 638 409
Mobile: +46 703 085 023
Email: ola.roos@swedishclub.com

Eva van Heek Lilljegren
Tel: +46 31 638 447
Mobile: +46 730 780 810

Caroline Pennings
Tel: +46 31 638 439
Mobile: +46 722 218 074

Alice Chen
Tel: +46 31 638 475
Mobile: +46 725 001 681
Email: alice.chen@swedishclub.com

Jakob Osvald
Tel: +46 31 638 465
Mobile: +46 706 956 545
Email: jakob.osvald@swedishclub.com

Cecilia Persson
Tel: +46 31 638 443
Mobile: +46 738 519 082
Underwriting Support

Tom Bross
Tel: +46 31 638 400
Mobile: +46 767 664 515
Email: tom.bross@swedishclub.com

Malena Edh
Tel: +46 31 638 464
Mobile: +46 730 638 464
Email: malena.edh@swedishclub.com

Ulrika Ödman
Tel: +46 31 638 482
Mobile: +46 767 814 292
Email: ulrika.odman@swedishclub.com

Alisa Ramic
Tel: +46 31 638 420
Mobile: +46 706 550 260
Email: alisa.ramic@swedishclub.com

Carina Rosén
Tel: +46 31 638 433
Mobile: +46 735 455 590
Email: carina.rosen@swedishclub.com

Debra Xie
Tel: +46 31 638 497
Mobile: +46 727 000 797
Email: debra.xie@swedishclub.com
